

The University of Chicago
Crown School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice*

AM (Master’s of Social Work) - 6/2022

My coursework at SSA focused on policy, financial management of nonprofits, working with data, and consideration of implementation theories.

* Formerly Social Service Administration


University of Illinois
School of Social Work

Bachelor’s of Social Work - 12/2019

I felt more at home at SSW than anywhere prior. While I both worked and studied full-time while there, that didn’t stop me from growing a love of research. I also delivered the BSW Responder at our graduation.


Illinois Eastern
Community Colleges

Associate of Art & Associate of Arts & Sciences - 5/2017

Is listing IECC after the others a little like listing the Dallas Morning News after the New York Times and Washington Post? Maybe, but IECC helped get me to the others, too.


Research Experience


The Relationship Between 9th Grade Students’ Social Skills & Internalizing Problems by Free-and-Reduced Lunch Status

Bates, T., Tan, K., Shin, E.

Journal of Undergraduate Social Work Research
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020) | Read it here.

This research grew from the analysis presented in the 2018 Undergraduate Research Symposium Oral Presentation, exploring the interaction between social skills and FRL status to predict internalizing problems in 10th grade.


How do Social Skills Relate to Mental Health & Social-economic Status among High School Students?

Bates, T., Tan, K., Shin, E.

Undergraduate Research Symposium (April 2019)
Oral Presentation | Info here.

Promoting Racial Healing through a Restorative Approach to Social and Emotional Learning

PI: Dr. Kevin Tan & Dr. Durriyyah Kemp

Research in progress. On this project, I am a Research Assistant facilitating focus groups of parents and educators. The research explores the impact of the presidential election on the social & emotional well-being of young people.
Funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services with the Chicago Community Trust.


Journal of Undergraduate Social Work Research (JUSWR)

Undergraduate Junior Editor
Volume 3, No. 1 & 2
Read them here.


Hopefully more in the years to come!