Macro Social Worker &

Policy Advocate


Hi, my name is Thomas, and I’m a macro social worker focused on ending homelessness and poverty alleviation programs. I’m a Presidential Management Fellow at the US Department of Housing & Urban Development’s Office of Special Needs. Previously, I was the lead for the Champaign County Continuum of Service Providers to the Homeless.



What do I like most about what I do?

Advocating for policies that benefit the vulnerable, working to secure grants supporting services, and those special collaborations between agencies that help more clients together than we could alone.



I read Erving Goffman’s 1967 On Facework in 2014 and have been totally fascinated by how people interact and the conscious and unconscious thought that goes into it. I even used Facework as the framework for my first (but hopefully not last) piece of published research when I was an undergrad at UIUC.



I’m a 2022 Presidential Management Fellow. The PMF Program is a two-year leadership development program administered by the US OPM.

Previously, I was a Fellow at the Field Foundation of Illinois, assisting Program Officers in providing grants to ALAANA organizations in the Arts, Justice, Media & Storytelling, and Leadership Investment program areas.

I was also part of the inaugural cohort of Community Data Fellows at the University of Chicago Data Science Institute. We worked with nonprofit organizations on the South Side of Chicago on the use of data for services.


Don’t you have any hobbies?

Sure! I love to read; I especially love to start a book, get halfway through it, start another book, and then circle back to finish the first. I usually have a few going at once.

I also love movies and you can often find me at the theater for whatever is new.



You can download my full CV here.

I am licensed as a Social Worker in the State of Illinois (LSW).

I’ve held a variety of positions in mental health and social services. These include outpatient case management, inpatient acute psych care, community-based & shelter case management, running a rent assistance program, and coordinating multiple agency initiatives. You can see some more detailed information here.

I live in Washington, DC.